Archive for March 28, 2011
Albuquerque Comic Expo at the Convention Center In June, 2011
0The event of the year as far as comic and sequential art in New Mexico is the Albuquerque Comic Expo (ACE) on June 24, June 25, and June 26 at the Albuquerque Convention Center. On Saturday, ACE announced the secret guest of honor will be… Stan Lee!
This is shaping up to be spectacular!
Chuck and his daughter, Katie, are going to serve as the volunteer coordinators for the convention. We had coffee with Greg Derrick and his one-and-only last night, and they are working so hard to bring a Seattle-caliber quality to our beloved southwest. (If you have never been to Emerald City Comic Con, aka ECCC, check it out sometime.) New Mexicans and visitors from all over should get their travel arrangements made, and show their support by purchasing their convention passes now.
If you get your convention pass before March 31, you get the deepest discount plus a special edition gift! Check out the ACE Web site for more.