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Poem: The Way For Me


Dominique Larntz * January 6 * “Love Letters To My Body”

The Way for Me

When anxiety is eating me,
wrapping its toes around my ankle
like it is trying to warm up its feet,
I know now I need to stop
and then do the opposite;
comfort myself.
I can cook a warm, mellow meal.
I can decorate a room.
I can sleep too long in a clean bed.
I can write

Poem: Bearing Witness


Dominique Larntz * January 5 * “Love Letters To My Body”

Bearing Witness

Does my body bear fruit
like citrus, with some
squeezable, zestable,
usable outer peel
protecting an inside
so irrevocably liquid
that all you have to do is
twist your hand a bit
to release its juice
along with its
dozens of seeds
and possibly so sour
or so sweet
that it transforms the taste of what it is mixed with
and it cleanses what it rubs against
and it stings wounds it drops into,
and are there many chances–
from all those citrus seeds–
for propagation?

Or does my body bear fruit
like a peach or a plum
with a soft outer skin
that reveals strength
and density
and sweetness
all the way to
a central core seed,
one purpose from which
this type of fruit

Or does my body bear fruit
like a coconut,
growing a series of shells
around sweet water
high up in a palm tree
until the day it is ready
to trust that falling
is part if its nature
and it joyfully releases its hold
from the branch
where it has suckled,
and it turns
to embrace the ground
as it stops resisting gravity
and holding onto the trunk–
with its singular seed,
complex and protected
inside many layers,
knowing others
of its kind have been
picked up by waves
and traveled ten thousand
ocean miles to germinate
on a beach
far from
where it started?


Poem: Mindful


Dominique Larntz * January 4 * “Love Letters To My Body”


I just noticed
I was not
my body
right here

Poem: Incarnation


Dominique Larntz * January 3 * “Love Letters To My Body”


Stay. Sit with me
for a while.
Dreamworld is still
upon me
and I have not yet
the corsetry
of the ego,
in its military motions
and ambitious amplifiers.
The voice of life
is gentle,
supporting even
that folly.
If we are one,
we are more
like water
and less like
I am not sure
how to classify water.
We like to make movies
about predators like lions,
zooming in on how they
hunt and strike and eat
their prey.
Water does lots of things.
Maybe it preys.
It also forms us, fills us,
refreshes us,
grows and houses
our life
and the lives
of species
we have yet to
discover and name.
I praise the water
in me, the water outside of me,
that links me to every
being on this planet
and to the cosmos.
I know
I cannot stay
in this body–
in this life–
I don’t need
what people say
I need.
I do have the deep
desire to survive
that every life
shares–the blade of grass
that bends
instead of breaks
when your foot
and the palm tree that
arcs into a parabola
when a hurricane hits
its beach.
But life made us mortal
and only our delusions
make us otherwise.
At this moment,
I am friends with life
and life has brought us
together, two bodies,
holding at least
as many states
as water.

Poem: Magic Spaces


Dominique Larntz * January 2, 2012 * “Love Letters To My Body”

Magic Spaces

I find space in the most mundane places.
I have found too much air in ziploc bags in the freezer
after celebrations so we could tetris leftovers more frugally.
I have found I can pause between inhale and exhale
and calm myself down to my toes.
Today it was in the laundry room where I discovered
two huge drawers under the washer I never knew existed.
This makes me question the definition of mundane.

Healing is found in the same way for me.
The things I am not doing are better for me than the
things I am supposed to do.
Sometimes when I get very still.

Very still.

I can ask, and my body will present an idea to me, one all my own
that appears like an image in my mind. An ‘of course’ that was there
all along, like those drawers under my washer and dryer, a place
to keep the things that will scrub away the years of abuse
and hardship my inner and outer world have heaped upon this
magical, wondrous, gorgeous, moving coalition of cells
that has befriended me in this life.

Carrying the most precious messages of all.

Poem: This is Where I Live


Dominique Larntz * January 1, 2012 * “Love Letters To My Body”

This is Where I Live

I love my rich body,
and its pleasure
in pouring
into the world
like water.

I can sense a way
to hold myself
as I have spiraled
about you
and as I have been
the sweetest love letter
enveloped within
your arms.

There is no gratitude
physical enough
or loud enough
to express
the truth

that we ache
and arch
and reach
into mature creatures
as we see the seeds
of our identity
in the eyes
of our lovers.


Welcome to Pottsville


Whilst Dominique and were driving home from our vacation in Portland, OR, last month, I saw this exit sign for Pottsville, OR, and what follows kinda happened spontaneously. Here we were hurtling down the highway whilst I was dictating the rough draft to Dominique in my silly Clem Potts voice, and she, in the passenger seat all the while typing furiously into our little HP mini computer. It’s been rewritten and rewritten (always better in the rewrite, eh?) and I am finally ready to show it to my friend and wonderfully talented artiste’, Danny Green, since it was he who I was thinking of whilst I was composing it. He has a wonderful exaggerated comic style, it’s almost as if it were written for him–no wait–it was! “Clem” is kind of an esoteric joke betwixt he and I, and I do so hope he will relent and bring this sucker home!

So anyway, here it is. As always, let me know what you think.


Welcome to Pottsville

Page 1

2 panels

Panel 1

Int: POV: Side view of ceiling, balding (wisps of hair sprouting from the top of his head), beer-bellied guy, watching TV wearing old, stained, athletic undershirt and boxer shorts with bunnies on them extending from the front of an old, torn-up, plaid couch, skinny legs and feet, covered with fuzzy bunny slippers up on coffee table. Large hairy arm resting on couch arm, holding beer can. Right side of panel, old beat up TV, rabbit ears with coat hanger, wrapped in tin foil. In front of beer can is old fashioned remote with big buttons. TV has one speech balloon.

TV: And we’ll be right back…

Panel 2:

Int: POV: From the guy’s right shoulder. You see his beer belly, his bunny covered boxers, his hairy arm holding the beer can, and the arm of the couch. You can see bony knees on the skinny legs in the bunny slippers. In the background is the TV, partially obscured by the bunny slippers. On the TV screen, big old balding fat guy with a big nose, wearing cheap black suit and white shirt with a wide tie (garish as you like). Pots, all kinds of pots, ceramic, cooking, flower, Native American and any other type of pot you can think of are surrounding him everywhere. TV has one speech balloon.

TV: Howdy folks! Welcome to Pottsville, Oregon!

Page 2

2 panels

Panel 1

Int: POV: Framed by the bunny slippers, the TV appears zoomed in. Same view on TV as page1 panel 2. Clem has one speech balloon.

Clem: Clem Potts here. Lemme ask ya a question…

Panel 2

Int: POV: Nothing but TV screen outlined by frame. Clem in foreground, and has one speech balloon.

Clem: Do you need some pots?

Page 3

5 panels (Panels 4/5 is split in half horizontally)

Panel 1

Int: POV: From TV camera in studio, where you can see even more pots than were on screen. Clem has one speech balloon.

Clem: Then come on down to Pottsville. We got lots of pots.

Panel 2

Int: POV: Full panel of huge, ugly ceramic pot. Clem (voice over) has one speech balloon.

Clem: Big pots.

Panel 3

Int: POV: Clem from waist up, holding a little tiny pot. He has one speech balloon.

Clem: Little pots.

Panel 4

Int. POV: Clem holding a large brown pot with a beige top on it. Clem has one voice over speech balloon.

Clem: Pots with tops.

Panel 5

Int: POV: Same shot as panel 4, except Clem has obviously removed the top (he’s holding it in his hand). He has one speech balloon.

Clem: Pots with no tops.

Page 4

4 panels

Panel 1

Int: POV: Same shot as Page 3, panels 4 and 5, except Clem is holding the pot on its side with one arm and holding the top with his other hand. He has one speech balloon.

Clem: We got pots with tops on the side. Don’t see that every day, huh?

Panel 2

Int: POV: Clem holding the same pot upside down with the top askew. He has one speech balloon.

Clem: We got pots with tops on the bottom. Betcha weren’t expecting that.

Panel 3

Int: POV: TV studio, Clem standing in the midst of all the different pots, arms outspread. He has one speech balloon.

Clem: So come on down to Pottsville. We got pots for your friends. Pots for your friends’ friends.

Panel 4

Int: POV: TV studio, Clem is holding a gaily painted flower pot with one flower in it: He has one speech balloon.

Clem: Pots for moms…

Page 5

4 panels

Panel 1

Int: POV: TV studio, Clem holding a pot so big he can barely wrap his arms around it. He has one speech balloon.

Clem: Pots for pops…

Panel 2

Int: POV: TV studio, Waist high shot of Clem and he’s holding a tiny little toilet with the fingers of one hand supporting it from underneath and the other he’s holding the toilet lid at a 45% angle. He has one speech balloon.

Clem: We’ve even got pots for tots.

Panel 3

Int: POV: TV studio, Clem holding his hand up to his mouth conspiratorially. He has one speech balloon;

Clem: And if you’re drunk,

Panel 4

Int: POV: Table top with a big brown jug with X X X across the lower 2/3 beige bottom like Lil Abner’s hillbilly clan used to drink out of. There is a caption.

Caption: We got pots for sots!

Page 6

2 Panels

Panel 1

Int: TV studio. Clem standing in the midst of all these pots with his arms spread. He’s very small being surrounded by all the pots. He has two interlinked speech balloons, one on either side of the frame.

Clem: So come on down to Pottsville. We can handle all your potting needs.

Clem: Heck, some folks say we’re the pot capital of the world.

Panel 2

Int: TV studio. Clem has one hand open toward his pots and one hand raised with forefinger extended toward the ceiling. He has one large speech balloon.

Clem: So git yerself down to Pottsville, but watch yer speed, because I’m also the sheriff, the mayor, and the justice of the peace. Ya’ll come now, y’here?


MEET Drake Savage


Way back in 2005 when Jake and I went to our very first San Diego Comic Con, I was fortunate to meet and befriend David Lloyd (Google him) and show him the prose version of what I had finished thus far on “Savage Investigations.” He was kind enough to read it and said that he liked it but for the name “Drake Savage.” He did not think that Drake was a very realistic or plausible name. I felt very strong about that name and set about to justify Drake’s name. So I came up with a tale of how his mother dropped him off as a newborn in the wee hours of the morning at The Drake Hotel in Chicago, and Frank Savage, the night manager, would end up adopting him. This is the first four pages of the comic script for “MEET Drake Savage”, which is the back story on Savage. If this works out I might do some more “MEET…” back stories for other main characters in the novel. David also told me that he enjoyed the prose draft of “Savage” (it was only a hundred plus pages at the time–it’s grown since then) and he didn’t recommend that I turn it into a graphic novel. My plan is to release it as both a prose novel and a graphic novel simultaneously, and it is proving to be a trial, but it’s like I always say sometimes, “Tenacity is its own reward…”

Anyway, here it is. I’d appreciate any feedback you’d care to offer, too.


For David
Copyright, 2011

Page 1-full page EXT: NIGHT: Background is the front of the Drake Hotel in Chicago, with the famous Drake Hotel neon sign at the top of the panel. Foreground silhouette of the back of a girl from the waist up. She’s carrying what appears to be a large basket on her right arm.
CAPTION: 1968, 2:45 A.M.

Page 2: 4 panels, 2 top, 2 bottom
Panel 1: EXT: NIGHT: Same background shot of the hotel as page 1 but the girl has gotten smaller because she is walking across the street.
No dialogue
Panel 2: EXT: NIGHT: Main entrance fills screen. Girl, now lit from behind, back still to us, peering through the door. She is dirty and unkempt, basket is weighing her down. She is hunched over as she puts her hand on the door to open it. We can see rough details of the lobby through the door, table in center with huge flower vase and registration desk across back wall, unoccupied. Lobby is deserted.
No dialogue
Panel 3: INT: See reference of lobby. No clerk at the registration desk at the rear of the lobby. Girl walking towards the round table in the center of the lobby, lifting the basket to place it on the table.
No dialogue
Panel 4: INT: Looking towards entrance from inside the lobby. Basket in foreground. We can see there’s a newborn baby in the basket with a note pinned to the blanket. In background, girl is fleeing the lobby. We never see her face, only her blond hair flying out behind her as she runs out towards the entrance doors.

Page 3: 4 Panels: 1 and 2 across the top of page, panel 1 is a third of the top of page and Panel 2 is two thirds. 3 and 4 side by side, bottom two thirds of page.
Panel 1: INT: The view from directly in front of the registration desk. Two clerks are coming through the entrance behind the desk, one male, the other female, wearing hotel uniforms.
MALE CLERK: Well, I’m glad we got that taken care of!
FEMALE: Yeah, thanks for your help. I couldn’t have done it alone.
MALE: No sweat.
Panel 2: INT: Long shot from side of lobby, registration desk on right side of panel and the table with the basket on the left, emphasizing the distance between the desk and the table in the center of the lobby.
The lobby is dim with a cone of light shining down from the ceiling illuminating the basket on the table, the other light source is on the registration desk. FEMALE is pointing at the basket and has one word balloon.
FEMALE: Bobby, what’s that?
Panel 3: INT: Bobby is standing next to the basket. He has one word balloon.
BOBBY: There’s a note, Sarah. Call the boss.
Panel 4: INT: POV: Sarah is speaking into the phone. She has one word balloon.
SARAH: Mr. Savage, could you please come to the lobby?

Page 4: 4 Panels, quarter page each.
Panel 1: INT: POV: From in front of Frank Savage’s desk. He’s looking down at some paperwork. There’s a nameplate at the front edge of the desk that says “Frank Savage” and underneath, “Night Manager” in the same Old English font as the sign on the top of the building, black background with white letters. He’s holding the phone. He’s about 40 and bald with black hair barely covering his ears (it’s the 60’s) with a round face that says he’s a little pudgy. He’s wearing a wide black tie over a gray shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbows over coarse black haired forearms. He’s also got a thick, well groomed moustache barely curling around the sides of his mouth. There’s a black jacket on a hanger behind his desk. Frank has one word balloon.
FRANK: Okay, I’ll be right there.
Panel 2: INT: Frank enters behind desk from the same door that Sarah and Bobby entered in Page 3, Panel 1. He’s wearing a black suit jacket. He’s short, a little taller than Sarah and several inches shorter than Bobby. Frank has one word balloon.
FRANK: I’m here, what’s up?
Panel 3: INT: Half body shot of Sarah, she’s pointing towards the lobby. She has one word balloon.
SARAH: Over there.
Panel 4: INT: POV from Frank looking across the lobby at Bobby standing next to the basket.
No dialogue

End of first installment for string.

Page 5:
Panel 1: INT: Frank, Bobby, and Sarah are standing by the basket. Frank is holding the note. Frank has one large word balloon.
FRANK: I can’t wait to hear how somebody could just waltz in here and leave a baby at the internationally famous, five-star, Drake Hotel, and neither of you saw anything!
Panel 2: INT: Closeup of Sarah and Bobby. She has one word balloon, so does Bobby.
SARAH: It’s my fault, Mr. Savage. I asked Bobby to help me with those boxes. We were only away from the desk for a couple of minutes and we left the door open so we could hear if anybody came to the desk.
BOBBY: And when we came out, there it was.
Panel 3: INT: Closeup of Frank. He is angry and has one word balloon.
FRANK: IT? Bobby, this is a child! A small human being, not an IT!
Panel 4: INT: Bobby, looking embarrassed. He has one word balloon
BOBBY: I’m sorry Mr. Savage. I didn’t mean…
Panel 4: Frank, still angry, has two word balloons.
FRANK: Forget it.
FRANK: Sarah, get Mike from Security down here. We’re going to need his police contacts to keep this under wraps. Wouldn’t do for this to get out. A baby! At The Drake!

More to come. Thanks for reading…

Be Well,


Writing Service


You can hire us for a variety of writing projects and tasks for our hourly rate. Please contact us to obtain an estimate of hours for your needs, and then order from the button below to get started right away.

Call us at 505-977-8827 or email

Some of the types of writing we have done:

  • Technical Writing
  • Web Site Search-Engine Friendly (SEO) Rewrite
  • Business Writing: Descriptions, Ad Copy, and More
  • Articles
  • Press Releases

Hourly Rate: $89

Contact (email/phone)

Graphic Design


Larntz Enterprises provides Graphic Design Services to many clients who need their designs customized for the Web. (We also help for brochures, business cards, etc.). We use Adobe Creative Suite 5 to accomplish our Graphic design tasks.

Contact us for a project estimate, or purchase a certain number of hours below to get started today.

Call Chuck at 505-977-8827 or email

Hourly Rate: $89

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HTML Newsletter Design and Implementation


If you would like a professional design for your email newsletter, we would love to help you get your information formatted into HTML. This includes HTML that can be pasted into many email marketing services.

Order below and then contact or call us at 505-977-8827.

Price: $499

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Technology Coaching


Technology coaching is a service that provides you discussion and help for whatever technology issues you are dealing with, including ideas on optimizing your technical configurations or projects. We generally have hour-long coaching sessions in-person, on the phone, or on Skype or another online conferencing system. You can discuss the many aspects of technology with software and software experts who have been in the field for decades.

Dominique can be booked for software and systems coaching, and for help in managing your decisions and analyzing your situations. She has decades of experience in managing software projects (specifically Web projects), software engineering, and systems planning. She has walked the path of both the business analyst and the software developer. She holds an MBA in Management information systems and a bachelor of Science in Computer Science. She has experience with CMMI, planning, requirements analysis, systems design, the Unified Modeling Language (UML), and many other industry standards. She is an expert in Web technologies such as WordPress and e-Commerce, and also supports people in online multimedia (audio and video).

Chuck can be booked for customer service, hardware and peripheral equipment coaching support. He has decades of electronics experience supplemented with over 10 years in building and maintaining hardware systems. He has worked for Hewlett Packard, Intel, and the Department of Defense. He is familiar with ITIL as well as other service standards.

Hourly Price: $149

Contact (email/phone)

WordPress Theme Design and Integration


If you would like a new design for your WordPress Web site (called a “Theme” in the WordPress vernacular), we can help you create a beautiful and professional new look for your site. This includes recommending/customizing a site theme, integrating your logo and graphics, and testing out the new theme with your sites information.

Order below and then contact us to schedule your design consultation. Call Chuck at 505-977-8827 or email

Contact (email/phone)

WordPress Web Site Conversion / Creation


If you would like to convert or create your site using WordPress, we are experts who can help you quickly get up and operational. We have very affordable packages for small (up to 25 pages), medium (up to 100 pages), and large (100+ pages) Web sites so you can predict your costs.

Take advantage of WordPress, a wonderful online software to give yourself an easy-to-manage Website that includes the elements you need to attract search engine attention. We are experts in WordPress who can offer you fast results so you can move forward focusing on your Web offerings instead of technical challenges.

Order below and then contact Dominique or Chuck at 505-977-8827 or email to schedule the realization of your Web site goals.

Site Size
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Up for Adoption: Attitudes on Technology Integration


By Dominique Jones

Listen to Audio Version (~14 minutes)

So many clients ask questions about adopting a new technical tool—a new type of computer such as an iMac, a handheld device such as a smart phone, a new type of software, using Facebook and Twitter in their marketing strategies, or a new application service such as Smashwords to publish their ebook. The answer is, inevitably, it depends.

What does it depend upon?

The technical environment, the person’s abilities, the uncertainty of the person’s computing situation, and the complexity of the technology. Somehow, though, that list feels like business- and techno- babble.

Deferred Decisions about Adopting New Technologies

It’s a lot like a situation I find myself processing in life around installing a ceiling fan in my dining area. I have been circling a solution to upgrade the ugly gold-colored pendant that sits directly in your line of sight as you enter our home. The main problem is that it clashes with everything else in our house. For years I have gone through a hemming-and-hawing process.

I have heard that changing a light fixture is simple. I have a loop in my mind that is always looking for the ultimate ceiling fan/light fixture that will blend into our southwestern architecture. I find something that costs at least $500, ponder, and dismiss it as too extravagant. After having fixed our water filter through research and experimentation, I also started researching how to hook up a light fixture on my own. I read a few sections in a book while standing at Home Depot. I watched home shows in frame-by-frame motion to grok the process of hooking up light wires in the ceiling. Of course, I searched online and watched YouTube videos. I even considered taking an adult education course on electrical maintenance. And I ended up getting a $15 replacement pendant cover to hook somewhat recklessly onto the bottom of the existing chain.

I am simply not comfortable changing and upgrading the light fixture at the wire level, no matter how much I read. And this story has been unfolding for five years.

That is a long time to suffer a line of sight I would like to improve. I think some of my clients suffer technology woes with the same non-starter experience. They have the spirit to move forward, and they know they would like something different, improved, more modern. They just feel inadequate to handle the whole thing, and they don’t even know which parts they should do themselves vs. which parts to contract. A feeling of discomfort leads to deferring the change that could help them appreciate technology more.

Personal Design for Technical Literacy

Like home design, there are so many choices in too many places when it comes to adopting a new hardware or software tool. There is a whole industry with its own language and standards that can serve as a barrier to action for someone who doesn’t know the right words to use to explain what they would like. The sheer number of choices and lack of simplicity conspire in a situation fraught with entropy. While commercials and emergent social mores send the message that technology is passing us by, the truth is that many people are passing technology by because they are presented with too much to absorb.

We are in times of change, like the early 20th century when electricity was not yet stable. Rural areas did not all have electricity at that time; just as rural areas do not all have Internet access at present. Electricity was run as a for-profit business and unregulated for decades. It was a young industry, and, similarly, we are still in the first 50 years of the widespread propagation of computing and networking.
Because the Web and the new communication abilities have brought such a dramatic change to our lives, in many cases easing burdens and making life easier, we focused on innovation after innovation. And businesses have a stake in prompting us to buy the latest generation of items. However, there is another aspect to creation that has not yet been experienced and embraced in the technology world: appreciation.

Multiple Approaches to Learning New Tech Skills

Instead of experiencing the joy of all our new capabilities as time progresses, we appear to be stuck, like a record skipping on a turn-table, in a cycle of innovate-improve-innovate-improve-innovate when it comes to interacting with technology. It feels like a techno junkie yearning for the latest gadget, or it sounds like someone throwing up their arms entirely and saying “I am just not technical!” It looks like the delusion that if you do not understand technology you are not “smart.” Or it looks like the delusion that all our students have access to the Web and to the tools they need to “compete in the 21st century.”

Instead of training our future generations to compete with technological skills, why not view tech as one more in a set of tools we can use to personalize our life experience in new and fascinating ways? After all, the technical tools we use are like other tools we use to build our environments, and we don’t require everyone to become an electrician in order to enjoy better lighting.

Or, we can view the technology we pick up and use as a game that is not so serious. Or, my personal favorite approach, we can view our interactions with technology as an art that we use while living our lives—a creative way to express ourselves as we paint the story of our lives onto the canvas of time.

Positive Technology Adoption

Whatever our circumstances in the technical world, we can consciously choose to enjoy our next steps. Positive psychologists who study happiness, such as David G. Meyers, are helping us define new definitions of human progress, and I think this applies to human technical progress as well. Meyers’ research showed, in his article “Who Is Happy?” that “wealth is like health: its absence can breed misery, yet having it is no guarantee of happiness.” I would extend this concept about happiness to our interactions with technology as well.

Being cut off from modern technologies can be limiting and painful as you try to navigate the online world, but after you have acquired a fairly small set of technical skills, you will have enough to get around. It’s like visiting a foreign country and learning enough to order in a restaurant. As you spend more time in the country, you will naturally learn more of the language. However, requiring yourself to learn limitlessly can set you up for feeling pressure. If you are suffering in any kind of technical project, know that the problem-solving and meeting the project timeline are a lot less important than witnessing your enjoyment in learning and creating new abilities. You have the power to choose your level of engagement, and you may find a happy truth that when they are made easier, you do enjoy things like video conference with your friends and family, recording your own audio podcasts, sending text messages or email on a smart phone while you are traveling, and other creative projects.

The freedom to choose is the greatest freedom I know so far, and we deserve enjoyment as much (or more) than we deserve innovation. Technology’s rise has brought with it a speed that is akin to desperation and technical innovators are tangled in a trellis of dark capitalism/competitiveness that has swept our culture for a few decades. Possibilities, however, have emerged alongside the greed and addiction. We can choose from profound communication capabilities and powerful automation capacities.

As it stands, however, there are trade-offs for implementing powerful technologies. It takes considerable capital and a hefty investment in learning new details. Even choosing an option to try is a process of details, details, and more details. It’s a delusion to think we can buy a new smart phone and immediately use all of its features without studying them and trying them out in several ways. We will not merely flip a switch and be able to navigate the virtual world.

You and Technology, Hand-in-Hand

One of the secrets to choosing technologies that work for you is to pace yourself. Choose only as much as you need. If you study and learn fewer things, you will have more time to enjoy your knowledge about the things you already have. Similarly, if organizations keep their automation projects more humble and realistic in scope, rather than reaching to be on the edge of innovation and to customize extensively, they can enjoy the improvements in their operations more.

The decision about how much to learn and imbibe of the new virtual landscape is very personal and we all can feel good about our level of interest. A good decision can come from the place where you feel genuinely curious about something, and free from pressure. If you start asking a lot of questions about a technical subject and you feel joy while you are asking (instead of dread, fear, frustration, or some other barrier), that is a clue that it would be a nice thing to explore learning to do yourself.

If you do not want to learn something, but want a system set up for you that is a great option, too. For example, I would not want the electrician I hire to change my light fixture to explain everything they are doing in detail so that after they leave I can change my own light fixture the next time. I would rather just hire them twice.

Hiring a person with expertise can help you work with a new technology a lot faster than working on your own. It is the solution to making a major change if you don’t feel comfortable as a DIY techie. If you want to interact with technology, the proper support can help you more naturally evolve in your relationship to the digital elements available in the world. An evolution peppered with support can enhance your life in our communication age. My opinion is that everyone who seems to be a “techie” has had considerable help along the way.


Humans have not yet found the best ways to express themselves through machines and networks. This is not to deny the transformational waves of improvement that have come about through what, in distant ages, would be called magical and miraculous communication methods. It is simply to acknowledge that we are in an age of technological chaos and that humans find more enjoyment and beauty in simplicity.

Technology is in the process of being created—it is not yet finished. Just like a gift, half of the joy is in its being received. When technology can find simplicity, we can add appreciation to innovation, and its creation will be complete. In the mean time, although not as easy as a light switch, you have lots of options and you can decide the level of engagement you would prefer in the virtual world without worry about whether you have the “right” setup.


Dan Gerry – Possibility Thinking Keynote Speech Review


Click Here to hear the audio Review of Dan Gerry’s Keynote Speech at Goodwill Indudstries’ Senior Community Service Employment Program on April 21, 2011.

We review local resources in order to help you navigate the world, but this resource will probably be going national and/or international soon. Dan Gerry of Soaring Eagle Institute teaches courses on Possibility Thinking, which explore the neuroscience that causes us to stay in our habitual or fearful mindsets. Possibility thinking provides opportunities to break free into creative possibilities in our businesses and in our lives. We hope you will take advantage of a course in Possibility Thinking, or at least catch a keynote address like Dan did for Goodwill on April 21, 2011. He gave the keynote speech tailored to the population of seniors who are needing to find employment at a time in their lives that has been traditionally challenging.

I was able to attend the full course a few years ago, and I am still using and quoting from the information! I think I even quoted back to a colleague of Dan’s something from his speech without realizing it while we were talking through a problem. It was hilarious!

It’s great to find that person who can convey information & transformation in a way that sticks with you, and we here at Larntz Enterprises award Dan Gerry of Soaring Eagle Institute a score of 5 LE-s, our highest recommendation.

Dan Gerry Website: Soaring Eagle Institute

Denver Comic Fest 2011 – Review of a Springtime Comics Festival


Chuck attended the 2011 Denver Comic Fest as a comic writer and as president of 7000 BC. As in previous years, it was TONS of fun and the Denver folks made him feel so welcome and happy.

Visit Denver Comic Fest Web site to learn more and plan for next year.

We give this comic festival 4 out of 5 LEs.

Links to Goodbyes, a Savage Investigations Comic for String, Published by 7000 BC


Written by Chuck Larntz
Illustrated by Nathan Hendricksen

Matt Swanson is saying his goodbyes at his farewell dinner with the members of his crack Special Forces team, led by Chief Master Sergeant Drake Savage. The end of Matt’s enlistment in the Air Force as a bomb disposal tech is only days away. Savage, Matt’s close friend and mentor, is raising a toast to Matt’s new life when the call comes for the team’s services. The Italian Finance Minister’s daughter has been kidnapped and she’s standing at the gate of the American Embassy in Naples, Italy, harnessed with a bomb containing enough C-4 to blow up the embassy and the surrounding area. Matt’s final job on active duty will be to disarm the bomb and save the girl, one last time…

goodbyes Written by Chuck Larntz and Illustrated by Nathan Hendricksen


For more on Savage Investigations, Chuck’s novel and now comic series, stay tuned to our Web site updates!

Listed below are the links to the Savage Investigations Comic titled “Goodbyes” (Part 1) for String, Published by 7000 BC, for Free Comic Book Day coming up in May, 2011!

View Online Movie at this link:

JPG Files (right-click and choose Save As):

Photoshop Files (right-click and choose Save As)

PDF Document (horribly large for printing, right click and save)

Albuquerque Comic Expo at the Convention Center In June, 2011


The event of the year as far as comic and sequential art in New Mexico is the Albuquerque Comic Expo (ACE) on June 24, June 25, and June 26 at the Albuquerque Convention Center. On Saturday, ACE announced the secret guest of honor will be… Stan Lee!

This is shaping up to be spectacular!

Chuck and his daughter, Katie, are going to serve as the volunteer coordinators for the convention. We had coffee with Greg Derrick and his one-and-only last night, and they are working so hard to bring a Seattle-caliber quality to our beloved southwest. (If you have never been to Emerald City Comic Con, aka ECCC, check it out sometime.) New Mexicans and visitors from all over should get their travel arrangements made, and show their support by purchasing their convention passes now.

If you get your convention pass before March 31, you get the deepest discount plus a special edition gift! Check out the ACE Web site for more.

Newsletter Redesign


We redesigned the HTML Newsletter for SEI. SEI uses the InfusionSoft service for their marketing needs, and their HTML newsletter is an integral part of staying in contact with their community and stakeholders each month. They needed Web expertise to make a more attractive and stable newsletter template so that they can focus on the content of what they have to share rather than coding for the Web.

By the way, Soaring Eagle Institute is our preferred partner for our business coaching needs, and we have a post under recommendations that provides some information on their seminar Thriving in a Chaotic World: Working More Effectively With Stakeholders.

You can see the before and after.

BEFORE: June 2010 Newsletter

After: February 2011 Newsletter

Please consider contacting us for affordable rates on HTML Newsletter Design Services and help your organization to soar to the e-mail of your qualified leads in the very near future!

A project like this can be done within a day or two, depending on whether you have your content ready to go. If you do not have your content ready, you can also utilize our services to help you write or find articles for your newsletter.

Savage Investigations: Prologue


Here it is, kids! As promised on twitter, the rewrite (okay, the re-re-rewrite). I’ve also been thinking about the wisdom of getting so darned excited, I just kinda go off and post things prematurely. I’m gonna work on that, but I’m still gonna get excited! Deal with it…

New! Improved! Now with more dialogue and less expostion! It’ll be easier to make it into a comic that way…

June 15, 2003

It began on a normal day like any other. Ahmed Akbar was a brilliant young man, going off to the school where he was the youngest teacher on staff. He slung the worn messenger bag that contained his lunch and the test results from his students over his shoulder. He kissed his wife, Sanaa, on the cheek and their infant son, Raheem, on the top of his head and went to the front door of their modest two room house on the outskirts of the Iraqi city of Al-Awja.

The door wouldn’t open.

Since the bombings and the American invasion, the door frame had shifted.

Too proud to leave his house by the back door, it had been the same comical story every morning for months now because Ahmed felt it was, “too insignificant a thing to bother with.”

“Ahmed, I swear, you must fix that door,” Sanaa laughed. “It embarrasses me to have to tell our friends to go around back to enter our house.”

“Sanaa, my love, we are lucky to even have a door after what has happened around here,” he reminded her but then added, “I will fix it on our next day of rest. I promise.”

She looked down at the infant in her arms. “Do you hear that, Raheem? Your father will fix the door on Friday. He promised. We will see.”

Ahmed pushed up hard on the latch and to the left and the door opened. “See? I told you I could open the door,” he smiled. “Friday,” he promised and left the house, slamming the door behind him to close it. It shook the china on the shelves and the baby started to cry.

Later that morning, a squad of American contract soldiers were patrolling the neighborhood. This had become a common sight and there didn’t seem to be any cause for alarm.

They came to Ahmed’s house.

Sanaa was sitting in her chair and reading with Raheem asleep in her lap.

The soldiers knocked on the door with their rifle butts and Raheem woke up crying. Sanaa got up to answer the door but she couldn’t open it.

The soldiers, hearing the baby crying on the other side, knocked louder and demanded that it be opened.

Sanaa tried to open the door again but couldn’t with Raheem in her arms.

“I can’t get it open. Please go around to the back!” she cried in her native tongue, which the Americans could not understand.

“You hear that? Sounds like a baby’s crying,” said the squad leader. “We got reports of insurgents in the area and it looks like somebody doesn’t want us to come in. Kick down the door!”

Two men kicked in the door on its hinges, knocking Sanaa backwards. Raheem fell out of her arms and she struck her head on the corner of a table, killing her instantly. Raheem’s neck was broken in the fall and Ahmed Akbar’s little family lay lifeless on the floor.

“Now what?” exclaimed one of the American contractors.

“Well, she seems to be the only one home. No terrorist insurgents here,” said the squad leader. “Let’s get the hell outta here!”

“Yeah,” said one of the men, “the corporation’s not payin’ me enough to get involved in a murder investigation, even if was an accident!”

Rather than trying to offer assistance, they left Sanaa and Raheem on the floor where they lay and ran.

A few blocks away, the leader said, “Okay, that never happened. Am I clear?”

The rest of the squad agreed and nothing more was said or done about it.

After school, Ahmed came home and, seeing the door open, ran inside and discovered that life as he knew it was over. He screamed as he sat on the floor in the pool of his wife’s blood, holding his lifeless family in his arms until the neighbors came.

“Murdered at the hands of the American infidels!” he said quietly at the funeral. “I hate the Western dogs that brought war to my peaceful world. I will strike back!” he hissed between his teeth.

After he said his final goodbyes to his little family, his wife’s uncle approached him.

“I know of a man who can help you to avenge the death of my brother’s daughter and grandson. If you wish, I can have him contact you. Not now, but when your head and your heart are clearer.”

Ahmed looked at the man through enraged eyes and said, “Please. I cannot let this travesty go unpunished.”

A few days later he was visited by a man from a secret organization that was so secret, it had no name, nor seemingly any members that knew about each other. He recruited Ahmed to join the fight, and told him he would be able to get his revenge against the capitalist mongrels that were ruining the world with their vile arrogance, spreading hatred wherever they went. The mild mannered schoolteacher was transformed into a terrible angel whose only mission was to avenge the death of his family.

His handler, known to him only as Kadin, met with him at his house and told Ahmed of their plan for him.

“Right now, there is a young American that we are grooming for a position in the American government. He will start out as a junior banking executive. In a short time, he will get involved in local politics. From there, with our influence, he will become mayor of his city and then governor of his state. From there, he might become a Senator, a Congressman, or even President of the United States,” Kadin told him.

“But what has that do with me?” Ahmed asked. He was becoming a bit perturbed. “How does this American fairy tale have anything to do with me?”

Kadin smiled. “Because, my young friend, that young man I just spoke of?”

“Yes,” Ahmed’s impatience was growing.

Kadin clapped his hands together and exclaimed with delight, “That young man will be you!”

Ahmed’s mouth dropped open. “What? How?”

“We know you are the same blood type, and you possess the correct bone structure and body type. You wear the same size clothing, and even your shoe size is the same as the American. That is why we chose you for this mission. The physical changes you will undertake will be only to your eyes and minor facial features, along with a slight modification to your voice box so you will have his voice.”

Kadin took a photo, an 8 X 10, full face head shot of the American from a folder. He handed it to Ahmed.

“Do you see how alike you already are?”

Ahmed looked at the photo. He did look a great deal like the person in the photo.

Kadin pulled out another photo. It was of Ahmed.

“Put them side by side, my young friend.”

Ahmed held one picture in each hand and brought them together.

“The similarity is astounding. We could be brothers!” he exclaimed.

“Do you see? Now imagine all those things I told you about, happening to you. Can you now see your place in our jihad, impatient one?”

“I think so,” said Ahmed, still a bit dazed at the concept. “Tell me more, Kadin.”

“Once the operations are concluded, and while you are recovering, we will teach you to speak flawless English with intense speech therapy. Your body will be trained to move the way the American does and you will learn all of his mannerisms and other physical traits that make the American unique.

“When your transformation is complete, you will fool even the most sophisticated facial recognition systems. You will become the American.

“The American has no idea that right now he is being monitored and videotaped, even as he sleeps, so that you will be able to study his every movement and facial expression until, with the help of our team of experts, you, Ahmed, will be able to walk and talk and move through the world exactly like him.

“You will replace the American.”

“But how can you just replace a person?”

Kadin placed his hand on Ahmed’s shoulder and said, “It will be easier than you think. The less you know, the better, until the time comes. We have done this before, many times. Do not worry yourself, my young friend.”

Ahmed thought about this.

“And when the time is right, you and others like you will strike a powerful blow to cripple the infidel American machine from the inside. We cannot fail!”

“When do we begin?” Ahmed asked.

“Would right now be too soon?”

“Oh,” Ahmed was taken aback. This was all so sudden. “No, right now would be fine. Can I just be alone for a few moments to say goodbye to the memories of my family?”

“Of course. I will wait for you in the car. Take your time. Come out when you have made your peace and are ready to begin your glorious journey. Bring nothing with you. We will provide everything you need,” Kadin said, and he slipped out the back door.

Ahmed went into the bedroom and picked up Sanaa and Raheem’s pillows and held them to his face. He breathed in the scent of his family one last time. He took his favorite family picture from its frame, folded it, and put it in his wallet.

He heard Kadin start up the car and pull it around front.

He struggled with the front door for the final time and stood in the doorway to his little house, angry tears in his eyes as he remembered the joy and laughter that had once filled this home. Walking out for the last time, he slammed the door.

He heard the sound of breaking china as he stalked away to begin his new life.

So what do you think?


(the sound of crickets, wind blowing…)

Web Host Review:


Save 50% Now on Go Daddy SSL Certificates! Only $1

The Daddy of all web hosts? Yes, in my humble opinion (imho), GoDaddy is great as far as a Web host. We have had sites hosted here for about a decade, and we can attest to the reliability, customer service, and software availability on Godaddy. It’s also as economical as any other Web host out there, depending on your needs.

We have a special right now, where you can have us handle organizing and setting up your Web hosting, e-mail, and any other online services you may need (such as online file sharing, faxing, calendar) for only $199 plus the GoDaddy hosting fees. Contact us at 505-977-8827 if you’d like to get started today, or email us.

That means you can gain the efficiency of our GoDaddy knowledge, as we have worked with their systems for several years. You can get your site set up fast, with any support you need for moving forward. This is a great advantage, since it can take a while to learn about host software, WordPress (if you want to start a blog), and Web design and security at any Web host. We can handle all this for you!

Save 50% Now on Go Daddy SSL Certificates! Only $12.99!

To keep it real, the only down side I have ever experienced is a little bit of need to study how their Web site is organized. Sometimes it is apparent, but sometimes I need to hunt to figure out how to do something. This is better than being limited by services not offered at all.

If I call, their customer service is available 24 hours a day, however. So any difficulties are ameliorated by their strong customer service.

Go Daddy $ special offer for Mexico. 468x6

What are the things I have done on Godaddy? Well, here is a partial list:

  • Worpress sites
  • Web sites and Email (including Web mail) for clients’ domains
  • Securing Web sites with SSL
  • Online Fax Services / Email Faxing
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  • Web applications (.NET and Java)
  • Linking domain names to Google Blogger sites
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  • Online Calendars
  • Getting Dedicated Servers for Clients
  • Storing large file online Hosting Plans from $1.99 per month! Now with Unlimited Bandwidth!

You can depend on GoDaddy, like any good patriarch 🙂

Shirl Sazynski: Writer and Illustrator


If you’re interested in genius, you will love Shirl Sazynski’s work! I met her about a year ago through our professional writer’s group in Albuquerque, and find myself very drawn to not only her writing but her art also. You’ll love her blog on her upcoming comic Mistral as well as the rest of the lovely content on her Web site:

Writer’s Resource: Miriam’s Well of Current Literary Events and Calls for Submissions


Shirl Sazynski recommended this resource for current literary events and for writers looking to submit their work. It looks like it is a great blog to keep an eye toward…

Miriam’s Well

Cheers and may the pen be with you!

YouTube Channel for 7000BC, New Mexico Coalition of Independent Comic Artists and Writers


We created a YouTube Channel for 7000BC, New Mexico’s coalition of independent comic writers and artists. If you like these videos, there are several other artists and writers you may be interested in connecting with at 7000 BC.

To learn more about this organization, you can visit the 7000 BC Web site or visit the 7000 BC Comics YouTube Channel.

We posted the first lesson (three videos) in Making Comics Our Way, a series of lessons in comic creation.

These are only the first in a series of educational, free videos that will be available to the public. Paul Ziomek ( and Chuck Larntz ( produced this video and you can view them below, or visit the 7000bcComics YouTube Channel.

7000 BC Comics is in the process of producing educational videos for comic artists and writers. This set of 3 videos comprises lesson one on creating characters. We at directed and filmed the videos, edited the videos, provided graphic design, created a Youtube Channel, and published the videos on YouTube.

You can also see more of Paul Ziomek’s work at Over The Top Comics.

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