Posts tagged humor

Poem: Backing Up


Dominique Larntz * September 18, 2012


I want to inspire
plumbers to want to help me.

I want those snakes
making my pipes into a slide,
glass-smooth as the tumbled rocks
I prepared as a young girl
and clutched quietly inside
my jacket pockets
on a Black Hills picnic blanket.

I want to inspire
plumbers to show up on schedule.

I want my water available
like you were, husband,
when we met over the
Albuquerque altitude
and until next we met
a deep breath
was impossible.

I want to inspire
unavailable plumbers
while I kiss chlorine to mold
and cry over leaks
I feel helpless to plug
and find backup
after backup.

Poem: The Social Lab


Dominique Larntz * May 19, 2012

The Social Lab

Three times he lingered
at the end of my driveway,
his handsome brown eyes
could not seem to stray,
and finally I said quite out loud, you’re a beautiful brown lab,
and we will get better acquainted another day.

Poem: Conversation with the Corporate Manager


Dominique Larntz * May 8, 2012

Conversation with the Corporate Manager

“It’s broken.”

“Well, what did you do?”


“Did you try this? Did you try that?”


“Did you call him? Did you call her?”


“Did you follow the procedure?”

“The procedure is unclear.”

“What could be unclear about it? It’s right there in writing?”

“You could read it two different ways.”

“Weren’t you in last week’s conference call,
when corporate said we would read it the way they say?”

“I think I recall.”

“You should remember. That’s what we pay you for.”

“What do you want me to do about this broken thing now?”

“Fix it.”

“Can I use my corporate credit card?”

“Of course not! There’s a freeze on credit card usage!”

“How do I get a replacement then?”

“Fill out an equipment request,
and I’ll run it up the food chain
to see if I can get it approved
by my manager
and my manager’s manager.

Once I get it approved
we have to order it from our special
vendor in Costa Rica.

We have a contract with them.

Finally, what’s the cost
of the replacement part?”

“Two dollars.”

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