Posts tagged seasons

Poem: Inadequate Hinges


Dominique Larntz * October 23, 2012

Inadequate Hinges


Doors keep falling away;
keep breaking.

The back screen door slid right off
the track—night before company came.

The front door keeps opening
as the wind signals a change in weather.

I left the back door open all day,

let the sunlight slither in like a snake
I’ll find under the table and need to battle
or avoid later by hoping it belly-slides back out.

I Let the wind carry in flying gnats
that Chuck will likely notice.

Made a mess because I didn’t fix that
broken, leaning door I have been using
like a divine barrier between me

and the dust
and the bugs
and the soil.

This is what gods do—turn
once proud barriers
into nothing but caves.

Poem: Summer


Dominique Larntz * May 24, 2012

My Summer’s just arriving
and I’ve read Emily’s poem
on letting go of hers

I keep the secret of seasons
like a rising loaf of bread
on my kitchen counter.

I use the knowledge
of the middle of life like
you pump air toward embers.

Poem: Deep Listening


Dominique Larntz * May 7, 2012

Deep Listening

My desire to grow tomatoes is so deep
that I wonder if they desire me too,
if the tomato seed dozes and views
the arising images of a farmer placing her
gently into the soil, and how the tomato seed
experiences love in its swaddled dark
arid bed just after it is tucked into
the dampened dirt and dolomite
so that it feels safe to respond to the sunlight
in the days that follow.

The dormancy of the seed,
the dormancy of that desire
and its potential that will build
from a rigid tiny thing you could have dropped
from your fingers before it was ever planted
into the fragrant desert blossom that will feed
and fulfill the entire lush autumn season
reminds me that spring is anytime
you can find the environment
to feed it.

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